The Classical Annex
"The Classical Annex" is a short story by E. M. Forster published posthumously in 1972. In the story, a young sports enthusiast named Denis, alone in a museum, finds himself in the grip of a marble wrestler, after he is supernaturally incorporated into a Roman sculpture called The Wrestling Lesson.[1][2]
[edit]- ^ Doloff, Steven (2014). "The Visual Pun at the End of E. M. Forster's 'The Classical Annex'". Notes & Queries. 61 (1): 140 – via EBSCOhost.
- ^ Doloff, Steven (September 2000). "PASSIONATE STATUARY: A LOOK INTO 'THE CLASSICAL ANNEX' OF E. M. FORSTER". Notes & Queries. 47 (3): 342–343. doi:10.1093/nq/47-3-342.
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